Dr. Fauci Gets Death Threats
Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci is a 79-year-old American physician and immunologist. He has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Many Americans may not have been familiar with Dr. Fauci before the Coronavirus pandemic. He was initially the voice of reason and direction for this novel coronavirus.
Today, Dr. Fauci has to walk with the secret service due to threats to his life. His family is being harassed for his honesty about coronavirus to save lives. He is called an “idiot” by the President on national television.
Why Does Dr. Fauci Get Death Threats?
The tone and culture of America has become one of separation and alienation. Our leadership failed to develop psychologically beyond toddlerhood. He behaves like a two-year-old, throwing tantrums on television and biting people on Twitter when he doesn't get his way. His awareness does not expand past his own nose.
I don't want to pick on Trump too much; many of us revert to childish behavior when challenged or threatened. I'm channeling my inner child now as I write these words. My goal is always to take the high ground. It was my intention, but the little Kristen in me won the battle. The difference, I'm ranting on a little blog. When our leaders behave this way, it gives the rest of us unspoken permission to act out. So there are people who follow Trump that feel like they are his little "reinforcers." He says something, and they make it real. Trump talks negatively about Fauci, so his little minions go and harass him and his family.
My Perspective
I want to take a moment to say thank you.
Thank you, Dr. Fauci, for your sacrifice and your service.
It is unfortunate when a doctor whose intention is to save lives through his knowledge of infectious disease and study of COVID-19 gets death threats for doing so.
So my perspective is, we all need to grow the f**k up.
Treat each other with dignity and respect—the same dignity and respect that we desire and deserve.
Our leaders should have progressed past adolescence and possess communication skills that incorporate cooperation and collaboration, not hate and division. We are all in this together. It's time to work together as one worldwide human race.
I love you
I’m sorry
Forgive me
Thank you