Mask Or No Mask? – That is the Question.
Wearing a mask has been known to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Why is it so difficult for the president of the United States, the governor of Texas, or other political "leaders" to mandate the wearing of masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19?
It's simple. Right?
The Problem: Americans who aren't wearing face masks are increasing the risk of spreading the coronavirus, per White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Solution: Mandate Americans to wear a face mask.
It's apparently not so simple if you live in the United States.
Americans in the US typically find a way to make the most commonsensical things complicated.
While cases are slowing in hot spots such as New York, they have been on the rise in places such as Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida have rolled back reopening plans as cases increase rapidly in their states, but both say a statewide mask mandate is a step too far.
Fun Facts: Florida reported nearly 9,000 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours on Friday, June 26th, while Texas set a record for Covid-19 hospitalizations for 2 weeks straight. The Texas Medical Center in Houston, known as the largest medical center in the world, just declared 100% ICU bed occupancy.
On the cusp of a potentially dire situation, DeSantis and Abbott have both recommended people wear face masks, but the governors are still refusing to make them mandatory.
Why is saving lives a political matter?
Many problems start at the head, and I feel this one is no exception. Let's explore. Trump has stated that he won't give the press the "satisfaction " of seeing him in a mask as if wearing a mask, implies weakness or humility. I'm not sure that's the actual reason….
I would like to think its more about showing a display of confidence in his response to COVID and an effort to maintain certainty in the US economy.
My perspective Mr. President
To The President: As president, many people follow your lead to a fault. My respect for you as president would grow if he would display the required leadership and be willing to wear a mask on camera and help save lives. Leaders lead by example. We get through this with honesty and transparency, not smoke screens.
I've been wearing a mask way before it was 'cool' to wear. I made masks for my kids and myself back when there was plenty of elastic and fabric on the racks. You'll recall it as the era of no toilet paper. I feel proud wearing my mask, knowing I'm doing my part to potentially prevent the death of someone's grandmother or child or leaving my children motherless… even if for a few weeks. I feel there is great power in doing the right thing, even if it is not the fashionable thing.
I couldn't understand why people were waiting on the CDC to recommend wearing masks. It was obvious they were simply dealing with the risk of shortages for healthcare workers. This fact in itself screams MASKS ARE RECOMMENDED!
Side Note: We can't wait for elected officials to say do this or that when it is apparent what needs to be done.
Asking people to wear a mask is a far cry from mandating people to hand over their guns. It is not a difficult task. It is not invasive. It doesn't infringe on your rights. These governors fail to mandate masks because the president of these great United States has made it a political issue. It is an issue so much larger than it ever should have been. I’m sure these governors feel mandating mask would be like going against the president. Politicizing practices that just make good sense is STUPID, and its costing people their lives. It's continuing to hurt the economy.
I understand his thought process, albeit misguided. He assumes if he tells people to remain cautious as the country reopens, wear masks, social distance, and refrain from having large 6200 people gatherings; it will keep people inside and keep their money in their pockets.
I must say, it worked on some. As Texas began to open up, people who were previously cautious, threw caution to the wind and carried on as they did pre-COVID. Shoppers at the grocery store went from 80-90% of people wearing masks to only 10% of people wearing masks. (This is my observation in my specific area.)
Faux posture is a temporary fix. It's whitewashing a problem.
As a result, the hospital ICU beds in the area are at 100% capacity. Fathers, mothers, and cousins are getting sick, being hospitalized. This week, one of our workers is at home severely ill, potentially needing to be hospitalized. My children's cousin and uncle are hospitalized.
Perspective- How to Slow the Spread?
As many of you know, I practiced as a nurse for over a decade. One of my first nursing positions was actually in the Texas Medical Center; you know the one where there are no ICU beds now. I draw from that experience now.
The nurse in me says, act as if everyone you come in contact with has COVID. It should be the new universal precaution.
This is how we stop the spread.
This is how we save lives.
This is how we save the economy.
We do this, not in fear or weakness, but strength and empowerment.
We stop the spread by being smart, not by promoting a political agenda. Shame on political leaders for not putting the well-being of Americans and the US economy first. It's okay not to know; it is not okay not to consult those who do. To keep leading, keep learning. The day you think you know everything is the day you reveal your true ignorance.